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Saturday, January 04, 2014

Some Good Ideas

I can get fixated on ideas sometimes. Especially if I think it's a good idea. And, from my experience, if you talk about something enough, eventually, it will happen. And so happened the tree house. This makes me want to complie a list of things I would like to eventually happen just by talking about them enough. Also, my mum will be proud of me for making a list. She likes it when I be like her. Here it is:

1. Mud Wrestling - Mud is brilliant, wrestling is fun so mud wrestling must be brilliant fun! I asked the manager of our student's union if we could have a mud wrestling night but he said health and safety wouldn't allow it. Spoil sports.

2. Music Night - I just want some folks meeting up and jamming the odd time. Music + friends = :) happy soul.

3. Freddy and the Fox Illustrator - I know so many arty people but it's just not happened yet. I keep waiting for some kind of divine intervention whilst doodling terrible pictures of foxes that look like anteaters.

4. Giving up smoking - kind of a dull and self explanatory one really but it's gonna happen very soon.

5. Driving Miss Hannah - No more excuses now that I've got my licence renewed. Except that it's the very last thing on my mind at the minute.

It's not a bad list because they are all very possible. I just have to keep talking about them. Especially the mud wrestling!


Rob Z Tobor said...

Miss Hannah if you plan to take up mad wrestling then a good healthy diet is important. Are you really sure mud wrestling is a good idea?

Music nights is just a case of finding a small group of like minded folk . . . . You can do it.

I guess somewhere in you mind you have an image of what you want in your book, so seek out the person who has the right style and pester them in a nice way.

I thought you had given up smoking Miss Hannah . . . . Naughty, you must start (thats start to stop) straight away if you stand any chance of being a good mud wrestler.

Driving is dead easy just close your eyes and go for it . . . Sort of.

Rob Z Tobor said...

Mad wrestling is not what I planned to type . . . . Although Mud wrestling is a little mad...

Rob Z Tobor said...

O poo typing is rubbish.

hootchinhannah said...

Well mad mud wrestling doesn't seem too popular with a lot of folk but that's because people don't like getting dirtty and they don't like getting hurt.

The music night thing I've been trying to get going for a while. I've found the like minded people, I now just to have to find a magic potion that makes them just as motivated as I am.

The smoking thing was meant to happen today but I am in a state of frazzlement due to the fact that my persoanl life is in disarray and they are now cutting overtime at work so I'll be struggling to get by on the bare minimum. Stupid life.

The driving is just not being talked or thought about much at the minute due to the aforementioned. Hmmm, I see now that the list was meant to cheer me up and it might have had the opposite affect on me.

Rob Z Tobor said...

Hang in there Miss Hannah.... You might find that if you tell chaps you are a mud wrestler you suddenly become rather popular . . . . . Well chaps are a bit like that.

And giving up smoking is GOOD . . . . .

hootchinhannah said...

Oh dear, I don't really want to be popular with the chaps just at the minute. Perhaps knitting or painting by numbers might be a more suitable thing to talk about. Or matters of the heart lol