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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Retail Therapy Works A Treat

I got the therapy I needed in the form of, some much needed, retail therapy. It was long overdue. I got myself a new digi camera. It's been a while since I've had one and I'd forgotten the joys of being trigger happy. Above our some sample pics from my camera. There's one of the Handsome Paddy boy, looking particularly handsome and one of Fish Face Freddy looking like an evil c**t but such a cute one. There's also one of Bert looking worn out from his week of hard work with Ben. Note the poised clarinet. I caught him mid-break. This could also be why he looks worn out. He just can't suss out how to play Fever properly. And then there's one of me. And any camera that can hide my spots and blemishes is a damn fine camera. So I'm happy. Trigger Happy.

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