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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Fecking Reader's Digest

At work today I was bored. I'd run out of jobs so I checked my email to make a bit of time go by. There was nothing new or exciting so I opened up an email sent by Reader's Digest offering Easter giveaways. Y'see, I'm exactly the sort of person they prey on. Bored, not really paying attention and so therefore dazzled by the pretty lights telling me I'll win thousands. It took all of 1 minute to submit my entry and when I went back to my email I'd already recived confirmatin from them. This is what it said:

Dear Miss Bowyer,


Your name has been entered in the draw for a Volkswagen Golf or £15,000 cash and we'll notify you immediately should you win. Your book will be dispatched shortly, along with your bill.

Thank you again for shopping with Reader's Digest.

Yours sincerely,
Reader's Digest Customer Service

What! I had no recollection of agreeing to buy their Driver's atlas of Britain and ireland. For one, I have no desire to travel Britain and Ireland but, most imprtantly, I don't even drive. I went back and did the whole thing again and sure enough there it was on the screen telling me that by entering the competition I was agreeing to buy their book. The dazzling images got me. Watch out for Reader's Digest, they are clever, very clever.

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