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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Farewell Sweet Friend

After many years of abusing my body with various things I have decided that it is time to give up one of my worst vices. You would think that smoking would be the obvious choice, and it will happen some day, but for now I plan to rid the evil sugar demon from my blood. Some people might be surprised to learn that sugar is just as hard to kick as heroin. Only joking, but it is as hard to kick as nicotine.

When you're addicted to sugar you never feel thirsty. I've often worried that my poor brain is dehydrated. I don't feel stupid or anything but it can't be good for me never being thirsty. Even when I'm in hot countries.

So last night I decided that me and sugar were not a good combination. If I merely had a 'sweet tooth' it would be ok but, unfortunately, I'm going to have to be an 'all or nothing' kinda girl when it comes to sweets. It's gonna be hard. Really hard. I'm the girl who dreams about sweets then wakes up disappointed because I have none, the girl who trawls around restaurants asking them if they will serve me dessert only, the girl who orders sweets online, I was going to be the auntie who let her niece try all the best sweets. Sweets and sugar have been such a massive part of my life for so many years. How will I ever cope? I also feel bad that I got Jakers hooked on the stuff. And him a purist who doesn't drink booze and only eats his dinner from Marks and Spencers.


Nelly said...

Good luck with that. You'll be wanting no delicious home-made carrot cake then?

hootchinhannah said...

meh...unfortunately not :( And I'm sure it is delicious.

ganching said...

Good luck Hannah. I may have to copy you having eaten mostly cake and chocolate the whole time I was in Spain.

ps WV is hooest

hootchinhannah said...

Thanks Gnaching, it's going pretty good. Haven't had any real pangs for it yet. Though I am quite gutted that they're opening a new sweet shop on Greenvale St.