Monday, June 28, 2010

La Senza Here I Come

When your boyfriend suggests that you should get some new bras I guess it's time to get some new bras. I guess he's sick of seeing the same old ones. It is true though, I do need some new bras. And jeans, jumpers, t.shirts etc. I haven't indulged in any new clothes since way before South America. Except for the dress I got for Katkins' wedding. And it's not exactly practical. I'd look well sitting in my local bar's smoking area (which is basically a cage) getting roaster burns in my pretty summer dress.

I'm hopefully gonna get a few week's full time work so bras are top of the list. A digital camera is second on the list. Once I have these in place my life will be complete. Ha!

Hmmmmmmmmm......not a lot else to say really. I just deleted a whole paragraph there about mexican travel sickness tablets. Damn my self-censorship, it's so boring.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Luck On The Dreen Road

There's a rabbit's foot lying up the Dreen road. I don't know where the rest of the rabbit is, probably in some critter's belly, but I know that rabbit feet are sold as good luck charms. I was thinking of picking it up and putting it in my pocket for a bit of the oul' gud luck.

I need some darkroom practice. That's the hard part of my job. Doing things in the darkroom. My boss was showing me how to change the paper when it runs out. He showed me first in the light so I'd know what I was doing. I understood perfectly. But it's a whole different ball game when you can't see what you're doing. It's also quite disconcerting that when you're in there, you can't open the door until you've finished what you're doing, otherwise you expose the paper or film to light, thus ruining it.

The Lovely Mel is home before she jets off to Ozland for goodness knows how long. I am only a little but jealous of her. I am more happy and excited for her as she has been dreaming of adventures for a while now. We'll be having a little shindig for her tomorrow night and it's only now, while writing this, that I realise how much I'm going to miss her. Even though she hasn't lived in Ballymena for years she was always home every couple of months. We'll miss her little visits and the rays of sunshine that she brings. But she's too good to be confined to Britain and she must go shine her rays on other people in other places.

Whilst on the subject of rays of sunshine and to conclude this disjointed blog post, the best bit of being back at work is, for sure, the fact that the shop is on route to Zoe's house form the town centre. This means that any time Zoe and baby Martha are up the toon, they walk past my shop and call in. I get to see my darling little niece's beautiful smiles so much more. And I get paid for it!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I'm back from Madrid, back from Katkins' wedding and back to work (only part time but it's better than nothing). Madrid was fantastic. Cocktails and Tapas are the way forward. My boy says: Mojito's? Yes please, Powdered whiskey? No thanks. Also, no thanks to rancid burgers but yes please to buying fresh bread and cheese and having a picnic in the Botanic Gardens. We walked a lot, laughed a lot, talked a lot, made some friends and on the last day we took a row boat out on the lake in the park. We went to the zoo, Real Madrid stadium and a couple of museums. We found the BEST sweetshop and delicious ice cream. We went clubbing with 2 guys who worked at our favourite bar. We climbed a million steps everyday to get to our hostel on the 6th floor, a hostel that was owned by the lead singer from ZZ Top.

So then it was time to leave Madrid and head to Norfolk for the lovely Katkins wedding. We stayed in cottages in the most beautiful English countryside. We took walks to the nearest village and ate delicious toffee tiffin at Tilly's. I nearly cried as my big sis walked down the aisle with my dad giving her away. I'm not really a romantic person but I think I was just so happy for her. I also cried during the speeches as mum read out a letter from my dear sweet granny who couldn't make it on the day.

So now it's back to butts. I didn't get the job I had the interview for but I'm back at my old job part time. I was asked if I wanted a few hours and although I'd rather have full time hours I think even working a bit will be good for my head. I am not cut out to be a stay at home mom. Especially when I'm not a mom. And on that note I think I should go see what I can rustle up for dinner.