Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Buisness Plan That Could Take Off

Well, it seems there is an opening in the market for hot air balloonists in the Northern Ireland region. I was trying to find a company that operated hot air balloon rides round these parts but could ony find one and they were uncontactable through the WWW. Now I don't know about everyone else but if I can't find out such things as prices, destinations and times of certain events without having to call anyone it kinda puts me off. I like information to be accessible through the touch of a button rather than having to speak to someone. I have been spoilt with online everything (except online banking, never got through the registration process due to forgetting my password, repeatedly) and if I can't do it online, I'm not interested. Of course I am exaggerating ever so slighly.

So I wanted to book a hot air balloon ride as a present for Nellybert and although there are many companies that offer them, none do flights around Norn Iron. Perhaps there just ain't a big enough market for them here but it's one of them things that could catch on. Maybe the weather isn't hot air balloon flying friendly but are England and Scotland really that much better?

It got me thinking though. About the price of a hot air balloon and the vast amounts of money to be made and fun to be had. So I set about trying to find a 'hot air balloon for sale' website. It seems the whole buisness is quite elusive. Although I found sites advertising balloons many of them said they had no balloons for sale at that time. Is there a hot air balloon shortage? There must be.

If anyone knows anyone with a hot air balloon for sale let me know. And if anyone knows anyone with a skill for web design let me know. And if anyone knows anyone with a good head for buisness, let me know. We can join forces and together have the best hot air ballooning buisness EVER.

I apologise for the seriously baaaad puntastic title of this post. I'm away to scrub the shame from my face.


Anonymous said...

I think you are just coming out with a lot of hot air.......... As a business I don't think it will ever get off the ground....... There is a ready power source at Stormont however.

hootchinhannah said...

Ha! You're worse than I am.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, couldn't help myself.........

madballoonz said...

Try - and click on the dropdown "Complete Balloons". There are balloons from all over Europe on offer. To make it commercially viable you want to be around the 200 and up mark to carry at least 8 passengers. Then there's the small matter of getting your commercial pilots licence. Best of luck.

Tuesday Kid said...

Check this out instead.

That guy didn't need no WWW

hootchinhannah said...

Is it law that all balloons must look like clowns? I checked out the complete balloon list. I now require a hot air balloon designer too. You need a licence to fly balloons?

Tuesday Kid, I don't know why I didn't think of that. You saved me a lot of money dude, cheers.

Brad Beaverhowsen said...

Hello, this is Brad. Remember me? I am back online after ten months. Still no facebook or email. I have made a new email, will get it to you. I am about to go through your blog now to find out what you have been up to. Hope you dont hate me for being such a ghost lately!!!

Musings of Mel said...

Dude - this is a brilliant idea. I was thinking about this a while back as my friends Matt & Sammy live n a wee village called West Linton and every weekend a hot air balloon takes off in the village green. This made me think about how fun a business it would be to have. Maybe we should look into it - Norn Iron would be an equally prett place to fly air balloons. Or.....even better. Lets go to Mexico and do it there!

hootchinhannah said...

Bradley!!! About fecking time boy! Glad to hear you're back online. Aw, of course I don't hate you. Missed you loads xxxx

Mels mels, great minds think alike obviously. Let's be hot air balloonists. Yes!!