Wednesday, June 20, 2007

True and Amazing Facts

Damn! I ran all the way to Thailand and I still got tagged. Ok, here's 8 ficts about monself:

(moms and dawds may want to shut their eyes)

1. I once dreamt that I had man bits aswell as women bits. I don't know what this means but I'm sure Freud would've had a field day.

2. I still suck my thumb. I don't know what this means but I'm sure Freud would have something to say about it.

3. I want to be a carpenter.

4. I am Queen of the duvet thieves.

5. My first crush was Michael J. Fox.

6. I can sleep for up to 12 hours at a time not a problem.

7. I am finally living my dream.

8. I am a sucker for manners. They don't cost anything you know.

Who can I tag?

Zoe will hate me
Nelly's been tagged
Ed must've done about a million of these by now

and then I run out of people.


David Todd said...

Haha you can't get away from the evil tagger
Keep enjoying No 7 :-)

hootchinhannah said...

Well, it's not like I get tagged a lot so it was nice to have a topic already laid out for me. Speaking broken English is not conducive a lucrative career in writing.

David Todd said...

You could always try to form all the broken English you speak into poems.This might result in all your pupils being great poets and unaware of that fact.

hootchinhannah said...

Ha! my last comment proves my writing capabilities have gone to pot. I think I'll try your poetry idea.