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Sunday, December 11, 2005

3 Posts in 1 Day

Jamie and my mum have both suggested that I'm lazy about doing my blog. I agree with them. It's because I've been feeling very lethargic recently. I have just about enough energy to get me through the week at work and by the time it's the weekend I'm shattered and just want to sleep the whole time. I've been blaming it on the lack of daylight, working, my diet but today when mum was at work and Bert was out doing errands and getting me sweets, I turned the music up and had a good dance to myself. It made me feel better almost instantly. So that's the problem. I haven't beeen dancing enough.

I danced to Sublime because they're a nice mix of fast and slow. I danced to Beck's new album but not all of it. In fact, I skipped some of his songs altogether. Black Tambourine was the best to dance to. I also danced to Bright Eyes although not every tune is great to dance to so I had some smoking breaks during that. Afterwards I felt rejuvenated and then Bert came back with sweets and chocolate.


Anonymous said...

With you on the Spring thing, daylight, festivals (even if you can't get tickets for 'em). Have now realised who jazzthefunk is and the message from a few weeks ago actually makes some sort of sense. I now wish to be known as carygrantswedding but it'll be dad to you.

hootchinhannah said...

Yep carygrantswedding, daylight, festivals, and of course our birthdays. That time of year is best.