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Sunday, November 27, 2005

I went to the Ulster bank to see if they would let me withdraw the last remaining 2 pound 30 something from my Natwest account. But no, they couldn't. The only thing they can do is cash cheques if you have a Natwest account, which is useless if you only have a couple of pounds. So to set the record straight, the Ulster bank and Natwest are both useless. And if either banks are keeping you in designer suits then it is only at the expense of less fortunate beings and creatures.

I'm finding it tough maintaing a blog life as well as a full time job. I've rarely worked full time and I remember now that there was a very good reason for this. Having said that though my job is ok and I kow there are a lot worse. But it seems that nearly every job I have done since leavng university, I find myself thinking this job is ok but it's not as good as Student Support. Student support is the kind of job that if you're working with someone you get along with it can be fantastic. If you don't get along with the person then it can be pretty tough. Fortunately for me I'm the kind of person who can get on with most folk and even if I don't I'm very good at pretending. So after a month of working at Next I have remembered that while I would do just about anything for money (just about, I don't think I would be someone's footstool for any amount of money) there are certain types of work that I definitely prefer to do and support work is one of them.

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