Friday, December 18, 2015


Last week went by in a coursework frenzy. Well, actually, it wasn't really that frenzied as I just chipped away at it all week but it was pretty all-consuming. I handed it in on Monday, went for food with my classmates then had a couple of drinks with the two other musketeers who have become dear friends through this course. On Tuesday I came home from work and sat on the sofa realising just how drained I was. Ziggy had an extended stay at mum's due to transport issues. He arrived back filthy. As always.

I've had to work extra over Christmas. I have grumbled a lot about it. Tomorrow I start at four in the morning. I don't grumble over nothing y'know. Tomorrow night there is a reunion gig. Jobe, the 'real' guitar player of the GCDCs has turned 40 and his former band mates thought it would be nice to get back together for the occasion. I am hoping I stay awake long enough to see them play.

As always, when I go to write a blog post I am convinced I have something funny and witty to share and then I get there and wonder where those awesome ideas have gone. Have I forgot them? Did I really have them? I'm sure I had something funny and witty to, I just wanted to moan about all the hard work I've been doing.


Rob Z Tobor said...

Miss Hannah sometimes hard work can not be avoided, but I suspect you will look back on it all and say it was worth it . . . Well I hope you do. It is a fickle world so hang in there as I suspect you have many goods times ahead.

getting up at Four in the morning is something I could no longer do. . .

I was 40 once but it was a long time ago indeed . . . I was still almost bouncy then although I am still bouncy inside my head.

Merry Christmas Miss Hannah.

hootchinhannah said...

The hard work is worth it though. In hindsight. Happy Christmas to you and yours Mr. Rob :)