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Thursday, October 09, 2014

Whisky Dog Blues

Although I haven't been doing much blogging lately I've been keeping busy with music and a bit of photography. Oh, and my course, which is a vast change from last year which was 3 hours every week. I now wake up for work every Monday, start at 6 in the morning, work until 12:30 and then go to class which is from 1-9. It's a long day but I enjoy it. Gus and I wrote a blues song on Sunday. The first line is "I should have drank more whisky last night, so I wouldn't drink so much today"

I don't know what these flowers are but they were growing on amongst my sister's vegetables

This handsome boy is Fly. Ziggy adores him.

This is Willowherb. I thought it looked nice and fluffy.

Ziggy peers off into the horizon keeping his eyes peeled for The Enemy.


Nelly said...

The orange flowers are marigolds. They are supposed to ward off carrot fly.

hootchinhannah said...

Ahh...I didn't know marigolds were so pretty.

Nelly said...

I should have said French marigolds. they are the prettiest.

Rob Z Tobor said...

Glad all is well I like the Photos and I'm glad you are writing songs. I am learning to play the piano, Although I have no books or teacher and plan to just learn 12 bar blues. I reckon you can get away with playing 12 bar blues for half an hour then run into the night as a man of mystery.

hootchinhannah said...

Thanks Rob. Good on ye for taking up piano. And 12 bar blues is all ya need!