Friday, December 10, 2010

Peanut Butter On Toast

I'm a sucker for life's little pleasures at the minute. On Sunday me and Jakes cooked a Sunday dinner and invited a couple of people around to help us scran it. Unfortunately Dill couldn't make it so we set him aside a plate and sent it up to Belfast with Dr. D.

Sunday's are my new favourite day. I used to find Sunday's very lonely. I once went through a phase of convincing myself that the Sunday papers were a good way of killing an hour or two but my heart was never really in it. Now Sunday's are never lonely and there's always something to do, which is nothing, but relax and read magazines and watch Twin Peaks.

I went to visit Nellybert on my day off which, luckily, coincided with Granny Nelly's babysitting Martha day. I really love going home every couple of weeks and seeing mum and Bert and the dogs. Judy was super pleased to see me and even Bonnie seems to appreciate me more now that I'm gone. I took Martha in to see Pearlie and she entertained her by saying 'duck' a lot and pointing at her neck pillow and saying 'hat'. I had a couple of good cuddles with Freddy cat. He always makes sure that he gets some Hannah loving when I'm there and I'm pretty sure that, if Pearlie would let him, he'd make her his Hannah surrogate. She won't have it though. she hates him.

Friday, December 03, 2010

Snow Girl

Yesterday I was hanging out with this little snowgirl. Mum and I took her out to Granny's where it was a winter wonderland. This is the best snow I've seen in years. I'm not generally a big fan of it but it's hard not to smile when you see your gorgeous niece trying to walk in her snow suit and welly boots. An absolute delight!

I've had a few days off work and it was spent sorting the flat out, music-making and hanging out with my two favourite Martha's. I also spent a night out in Belfast where I ran into a girl I haven't seen for 10 years. This would have been a pleasure if it wasn't for the fact that the only thing I can remember about her is that she once said to me "You know, you would be pretty if you wore makeup". It annoyed me at the time but I'm not the sort of person to hold grudges. This time she mentioned again that I never wore make-up. Though at least this time she said I didn't need to.

I can't believe it's nearly Christmas. This time last year I had no time to even think about, juggling my 2 jobs and getting things sorted for S.America. In fact, all that nearly feels like a dream. This year I'm happy to relax and enjoy the thought of spending a lovely Christmas with all my family. And on that note I shall go, as I have things to do and dinner to make.